Scientific Method

Hi I am the manager from McDonalds, and I want car companies to pay me to place advertisements on my drive-thru food wrappers in Middletown. I want to show Chevy that they can get the most return for their money.

Will there be more Chevy made cars than any other cars? I believe that there will be mostly chevy cars.

Materials and Methods

My team and I will go to McDonald's on Verity, and tally which cars go through the drive-thru with 6 categories: Ford, Chevy, Kia, Honda, Pontiac, and Other, to determine which company would be best to pitch the idea to. We are only focusing on the major manufacturers because they have the most cars on the road.


I would suggest that if you wanted to do similar research, go to McDonald's during lunch time. This is a good time and place because McDonald's is always a favorite, and a lot of people are on their lunch breaks at this time so it is almost always busy! 
There might be some sources of error. For example, if you go to a richer or poorer city, there will be different types of cars based on what the people living around there can afford. Also, you are not guaranteed the same data, because the types of cars that go there are really random, and the type of car a person drives does not determine if they eat at McDonalds.

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